District 3 - Sanbornton, Tilton
Mr. Sanborn is a candidate for State Rep.
Mr. Sanborn has our full support as his positions meet our standards of providing reasonable and responsible governance.
Learn more below.

Mr. Andrew R. Sanborn (not to be confused with disgraced former State Senator Andy Sanborn) is competing for the Belknap District 3 serving Tilton and Sanbornton. He is a retired master electrician, a lifelong resident of Sanbornton, and his family has lived in Sanbornton for nine generations.
Mr. Sanborn has significant local board experience to bring to the job of state representative, including currently serving as chair of the Sanbornton planning board, chair of the capital improvements committee, and on the solid waste committee.
Challenges facing New Hampshire’s solid waste landfills are among the issues which apparently motivated Mr. Sanborn to run. In his Citizens Count survey, he notes that his top issues are "Issues of importance: NH Solid waste policies and plan. NH property tax reduction. NH affordable housing."
Citizens for Belknap is concerned with affordable housing, and in the same Citizens Count survey, he was asked, Should the state do more to encourage municipalities to remove zoning barriers to housing development? to which he replied, "Yes, but carefully, and with the willingness to create partnerships with regional housing development corporations and regional planning commissions."
In his Citizens for Belknap questionnaire, he was similarly cautious about whether changes were needed in Gunstock’s operation, “I believe that an evaluation of Gunstock as a contributor asset or liability cost/ benefit should be made. A finding of positive cost benefit should be reason for continuing as is. A finding of significant loss should initiate efforts to sell the area.”
When asked about the nursing home and retaining county staff, Mr. Sanborn suggests tying increases to inflation, “Tie the budget to economic rates like inflation and prevailing wage data to realistically support the staff. Create partnerships with local higher education institutions to provide training and opportunities for continuing education including degree programs for county employees.”
Over the years, Mr. Sanborn has been an advocate for local voters to be engaged in town boards, hearings and voting. Here are two articles encouraging that participation.
Andrew Sanborn: Town Meeting, not SB 2, educates voters
Andrew Sanborn: Become an informed voter by meeting the Sanbornton candidates
When asked by Citizens Count: Do you support New Hampshire’s current system of public school funding, with about two-thirds of total funding coming from local property taxes?, he responded, "I would like the state to step up funding for public education on all levels as an economic stimulus. NH has a lack of available skilled labor. Better educated labor pools make more profitable businesses, and that creates more tax revenue."
Citizens for Belknap recommends this candidate, and feels he would be reasonable and responsible as a state representative..