Help Choose
Reasonable, Responsible Representation
for Belknap County
in the
November 5 General Election

The nonpartisan Citizens for Belknap was formed by Republicans, Democrats and Independent citizens to support reasonable, responsible representation for Belknap County. This Voter’s Guide has been updated for the November 5th, 2024 election to include Republican and Democrat candidates.
Only elected positions with direct county government responsibility were reviewed.
In some cases we recommend Republicans, Democrats and Independents competing for the same seat. This shows that we feel that any of the candidates will serve the county responsibly.
Candidates do not appear in a specified order, other than to alternate parties when possible

It’s our mission to educate citizens on reasonable, responsible candidates who will be good stewards for our county budget, care for our less fortunate residents, and protect our county resources.

Likewise, we are educating voters to avoid marginal candidates such as fringe Free Staters and extreme Libertarians pretending to be Republican candidates. It’s our hope that voters can avoid being duped into electing candidates who have, or may, create chaos in county institutions like county-owned Gunstock Mountain Resort and our county nursing home.
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Click on your town

On each town’s page you’ll find the following key:

Citizens For Belknap Recommended

Not Recommended

