VOTER'S GUIDE: Sanbornton
Sept. 10, 2024 State Primary
Sanbornton Central School, 16 HUNKINS POND RD, SANBORNTON, NH 03269
Hours of Voting: 7am - 7pm
Citizens For Belknap Recommended
Not Recommended
Undeclared (Independent) Voters
You are allowed to pick up either a Republican or Democratic ballot, and switch back to unaffiliated after voting
You can make a difference! We strongly urge you to take a Republican ballot and follow the recommendations in this guide.
New Hampshire House District 3 - Tilton & Sanbornton - 1 seat
Democrats (No races in Sept. 10 Primary)
Republicans (No races in Sept. 10 Primary)
Juliette Harvey-Bolia
Andrew Sanborn
New Hampshire House District 8 - Floterial District
Belmont, Sanbornton, Tilton - 2 Seats
Democrats (No races in Sept. 10 Primary)
Republicans (No races in Sept. 10 Primary)
Lisa Freeman
Don House
Douglas Trottier
Sheryl Anderson
County Commission District 2 - 1 Seat
Belmont, Gilmanton, New Hampton, Sanbornton, Tilton
Commissioner Glen Waring is not up for re-election this year.
County Treasurer - 1 Seat
Democrats (No races in Sept. 10 Primary)
Leo Bernier
Michael Muzzey