Nov 5 General Election
Belmont High School, 255 Seavey Rd, Belmont, NH 03220
Hours of Voting: 7AM - 7PM

Citizens For Belknap Recommended

Not Recommended


Recommendation Factors
Our steering committee researched and discussed each candidate. These recommendations are the result of that effort.
To learn much more about each candidate please click the candidate names below.
Travis Toner - Not Recommended but running unopposed. Early version of campaign website indicated fringe Christian Nationalist positions on national issues, but provided little information on urgent Belmont or Belknap County issues.
New Hampshire House District 8
Floterial District
2 seats
Douglas Trottier (R)
Don House (D)
Lisa Freeman (R)
Sheryl Anderson (D)

Recommendation Factors
Our steering committee researched and discussed each candidate. These recommendations are the result of that effort.
To learn much more about each candidate please click the candidate names below.
Douglas Trottier - Recommended: Incumbent conservative and active Belknap County Sheriff’s deputy, responsible voice in the County Delegation, and has supported efforts to stabilize the county budget. Consistently voted to fix the Gunstock chaos and support new leadership in 2022.
Don House - Recommended: Retired IT professional, second career in human services, now serving as president of Belknap House, a family shelter in Laconia. Working knowledge of the unhoused and the housing crisis in the County. Reasonable and responsible on county issues.
Lisa M. Freeman - Not Recommended: Former libertarian-leaning Manchester state rep, recently moved to Tilton, rated near the top of NH Liberty Alliance ratings in 2018, right below Norm Silber. Did not return our questionnaire on county issues.
Sheryl Anderson - Recommended: Sanbornton resident, retired New Hampton School employee, serves on Sanbornton supervisors of the checklist.

Bill Wright - Neutral. We remain neutral on incumbent Bill Wright

Alan Glassman - Recommended: Conservative incumbent who returned as a write-in to fend off Norm Silber in Primary. Reasonable and responsible advisor to county residents in probate matters.

Michael Muzzey - Recommended: Former banker serving as county treasurer for over a decade without fuss or chaos. Reasonable and responsible track record.